

By Will Forres

Contributing Writer

Well, we all know how important it is to take care of our bodies, but how many of us actually do it? Summer is upon us, and coming out of lockdown due to the pandemic some of us didn’t keep that same energy of working out, eating right, and getting enough rest. We Netflixed and chilled, and social media ourselves out. Here we explore ways to get back into the swing of all things healthy.


Image courtesy of Unsplash | Photographer: @theblackrabbit

I can get down on a burger or a big steak, but let’s face it eating it all the time isn’t good for the body. Now, I grew up in a house where we didn’t have a lot of money, but a lot of mouths to feed (I am one of 7 kids) so my mother had to make miracles in the kitchen with what little money she had. So, I am going to share a quick and inexpensive meal that takes minutes to prepare and is a good sit down with your favorite streaming service type of meal.

Budget Sloppy Joes

Ground turkey (or Impossible meat for my non-meat eaters)

Sloppy Joe sauce (I use a spaghetti sauce sometimes)

Salt-free lemon pepper or if you’re feeling adventurous chili powder

1 cup diced onions

1 cup diced garlic

King’s Hawaiian Sandwich rolls

In a skillet, spray your pan with nonstick canola oil cooking spray, sautee your onions and diced garlic, then add your ground turkey or Impossible meat, brown, bring to a simmer on low heat and add your sauce, stir and cover to cook for about 5-10 minutes. Toast your sandwich rolls, put on your favorite cheese and, lettuce scoop a generous helping onto the sandwich, grab a cold one, and enjoy!

Image courtesy of Unsplash | Photographer: @jamesoliverbarr



My bedroom is where I go to relax after a long day at the office, ok, yeah you’re probably saying “uh, isn’t that where everybody goes to relax?” Yes, but what you don’t know is I have furniture in my room that is all about relaxation. The one thing you won’t find in my bedroom is a television, because that takes away from my rest, and would keep me up. I have a big comfy bed, chaise lounge (yes, my dudes I have a that), two end tables, and a nice coffee table in front of my chaise lounge chair. There are many health benefits when you get a goodnight’s sleep like reducing your stress which improves your mood, you think clearly which has a positive effect on your day, and you can lower your risk for serious health problems, like diabetes and heart disease. I usually get between 7 to 9 hours of sleep a day, but I am an early riser, so I tend to get to be early on work nights, or when I have to be up early for a good workout. I would recommend removing distractions from your bedroom, no that doesn’t mean kicking out your hot partner, I am talking about televisions, laptops, and video games. Invest in a good bed, some memory foam pillows, and soft bedding. Sleep tight!



When you hear yoga most guys think it’s an exercise routine for women, but I have to keep it real my dudes, my ex-girlfriend got me into it, and I actually enjoy it. I began doing it as a way to relieve the stresses of my busy day, but I found out from my instructor at the gym that there are health benefits to it as well. Yoga may lower the risk of heart disease, depression, and high blood pressure, not to mention make you more flexible and give you more stamina. Here are some simple vinyasa poses (the word vinyasa means “to place in a certain way”) to help you relax.


    Inhale as you come into a high push-up position, with your hands under your shoulders and feet hip-distance apart. Hold for a minute (if you’re up to it try for 2 and so on), keep your core strong, and slowly breathe


    Inhale as you draw your chest forward, keeping your hands underneath your shoulders. Extend your legs along the floor and un-tuck your toes. Draw your shoulders back and lift your chest slightly. Keep your lower ribs on the floor, and gently tilt your head back looking upward.


    Kneel on the floor with your toes together and your knees hip-width apart. Rest your palms on top of your thighs. On an exhale, lower your torso between your knees. Extend your arms alongside your torso with palms facing down. Relax your shoulders toward the ground. Rest in the pose for as long as needed.

*Remember to breathe slowly, and let your body be relaxed with each pose.

Image courtesy of Unsplash | Photographer: @alexanderredl


I ain’t gonna lie, I don’t like treadmills, because it’s like you are running and going nowhere, and then if I do it in a gym, some dude next to me is going to straight-up flex on me by running faster and harder. Meanwhile, I am low-key looking and trying to flex back by running on an incline, all the while my body is talking to me like “fool is you stupid, you know you going to hurt yourself.” But, no matter where you choose to run, just run. There are so many health benefits to getting out there and taking in a good run, stronger muscles, burning calories, and helps gives you an energy boost.



Image courtesy of Unsplash | @aimanzenn

Taking care of our bodies is a great thing, because as we get older how we treated our bodies now will determine how our bodies will treat us later. In my family, I have uncles that have suffered from diabetes, hypertension, and high cholesterol just to name a few. When I hit 35 years old 4 years ago, I had my yearly exam and found that I was on track to suffer from high blood pressure, and was advised to change my eating habits and up my workout game. I made changes here and there, it was hard during the first year because I would do good for a month, and then go back to my bad habits when I would hang with my boys. Going to the family cookouts didn’t help my cause either, I come from a family of self-taught cooks, and them barbeques hit different when my uncle Charles is on the grill. I had to train myself to indulge once a month, choose the right meals when I am out with my boys, engage in exercise daily, and shop better. My mother raised me right, so I am in the kitchen most nights hooking it up with a healthy steak or blackened salmon dinner washed down with a tall glass of water or a low-calorie drink. Exercise is a way for me to maintain my stamina and keep from looking like my uncle Charles (no offense unk), and it makes my mother happy to know her son is leading a healthy lifestyle. So, don’t wait until something happens to your health before you start looking after yourself. Peace!

William Forres

Contributing Writer



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*Please before attempting any workout, consult with your doctor, health practitioner, or medical provider first.

All the information contained on this page is informational only and not meant to replace any medical treatments that you may be receiving or diagnose any ailments.